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Board of Directors 2023/24

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Jean-Paul Molgat

I joined the ski club board in 2017 and have served as Director,  Vice-President and President. I have also served as a director or officer on other boards in Yukon, including a daycare board, a community association board and a school board. 


I am beginning my third year as President of the ski club board. I have an odd fascination with policy governance and the benefits it can bring to the management of non-profit organizations. 


I am  happiest when spending time outdoors with my wife and two daughters, especially when we’re on skis. I am a struggling yet persevering masters skier.

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Leslie Gomm

I've lived in Whitehorse and been an active member of the WCCSC for 30 years. I was first on the board approximately 20 years ago. At that time my reasons for getting involved was to support kids programming such as Jackrabbits. My current stint on the board began in 2019 and for the last two years I've held the position of Treasurer.   


For me the WCCSC is a place for friends and family to gather and enjoy skiing on our incredible trail network. I love being out on the trails and seeing all the smiling faces enjoying our Yukon winters. 


The WCCSC has been an important part of my Yukon life and I'm happy to be able to contribute through my role as a board member.

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Debbie Higgins

 I moved to Whitehorse in 2001 with my partner, Pete, and we’ve been smitten ever since with the easy access to beautiful and vast wilderness, a vibrant community, long, beautiful winters, and world-class nordic skiing. We have two children who have benefited from the Jackrabbits, Junior Development, and Squad Programs.


I grew up in Gatineau Park, another Canadian nordic skiing hotspot. There, like here, skiing was a defining part of my winter life. I can say with certainty that my life is better because of skiing, and perhaps even that it makes me a better person. For me, it’s a way to exercise and explore, as well as connect with myself, my family and friends, and the outdoors. I never cease to feel excited about - and grateful for - the skiing opportunities we have here with so many trails so close to downtown. 


I joined the WCCSC Board in 2021 and have enjoyed helping move forward the goals of the READI committee, working towards reconciliation, equity, accessibility, diversity and inclusion. I hope to see a day when everyone in Whitehorse has the opportunity to ski! This means making the facilities, trails and culture as welcoming as possible and eliminating barriers to access. I have served as a director and president on the Fiddleheads (youth musical program) Board, and have worked for non-profit organizations throughout my career.


I look forward to seeing you out there!

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Sarah Assman

I have been a member of the Whitehorse Cross Country Ski club for about 15 years. I grew up in the rainy Fraser Valley so after moving to Whitehorse, I embraced the snowy winters. It has given me a sense of accomplishment, purpose and escape to learn how to classic ski and a few years later, skate ski. I have a great love for the outdoors and our beautiful cross country ski trails. It fills my bucket every time I get out alone, with friends or family. 


I joined the board this fall after supporting my 3 daughters through the Jack Rabbit, Lynx and JDP programs. I am an elementary school teacher and it is a new way to use my brain in a different way, interacting with interesting adults, learning the ins and outs of a policy governance board and supporting a not for profit organization that has provided so much joy in my life. 


I am looking forward to giving back to our diverse and growing cross country ski community.

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Vice President

Jan Downing

I look forward to snow every year.  Enjoying downhill skiing as a youngster with my family, then eventually transitioned into “earn my turns” with XC skiing.   I bought my first season’s pass for the Mt. McIntyre trails in 1989, even though the commute to the trailhead was long as I lived in Mayo back then, it was definitely worth it.   


My passion lies in seeing the smiles on faces like when a new skier gives 2 thumbs up after mastering a hill with the elation at reaching the bottom.  I consider myself fortunate to have worked with the Recreation and Parks Association as the Winter Active for Life Coordinator seeing the simple joy of being outside in our Yukon winter.  Trained as a Nordiq Canada Learn to Compete coach , I’ve had the privilege of coaching various programs across the country, most recently our own Jr. Development Program (JDP). This honor fills my cup with the coaches and athletes I’ve had the privilege to work with.  


The day is complete after heading out on the trails on skinny skis with family, friends or a gaggle of athletes as a coach.  I’ve been fortunate to be able to enjoy XC skiing in Eastern Canada/US, BC, Alberta, Washington, Greenland and of course Yukon and Alaska.  See you on the trails.



Moya Painter

I have been a member at the ski club for most of my life. I grew up in Whitehorse and the ski community was a huge part of my childhood. I went from Jackrabbits through to Blue Squad and worked at the Ski Base through high school. I spent some time skiing in Ottawa and Gatineau while in university, and while that was a great experience, it made me realize how lucky we are to have such easy access to the amazing trails and facilities in Whitehorse. 


I am now a coach with the Junior Development Program and ski to keep me sane during the winter. I am fortunate enough to work just a short walk from the ski trails so I try to chase the sun at lunch whenever I can. 


I am a new member to the board in 2023 and am looking forward to learning lots.

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Tracee Vickerman

Skiing on the amazing trails at Mount Mac has been a highlight of my winters in Whitehorse since the mid 80's. Every day that I ski on our trails; with friends, family, my dog or instructing with the Adult Ski Program is a great day!


This year I wanted to give back to the club a bit more and so with some hesitancy I put my name forward to be a director on the WCCSC board. I've been on various other boards and committees; the majority of them health related. Right from the first board meeting I was impressed by the depth of knowledge, dedication and inclusiveness of the returning board members. I look forward to working  with these great volunteers and the awesome staff of the Whitehorse Cross Country Ski Club.

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